Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,

Pre- Examinations 2022

As previously advised, we will be running traditional Pre-Examinations for both 3rd Year & 6th Year groups this year. Parents are asked to note the following:

  • Pre-examinations will start for 6th Year students on Friday 4 February 2022
  • Pre-examinations will start for 3rd Year students on Thursday 10 February 2022
  • Normal timetabled classes will continue for 3rd Year students on Tuesday 8 February 2022 and Wednesday 9 February 2022.
  • As per our agreed calendar, the school is closed to all students on Monday 7 February 2022 for staff CPD
  • Pre-examinations will finish on Friday 18 February 2022

Please click on the link below to view the Pre-Examinations Timetable for 3rd & 6th Year students.

Pre_Timetable_GCC2022 Final

Parents are asked to note that 6th Year students will present in school at the time of their exams. 6th Year students have permission to study at home when they do not have a scheduled exam. The school will provide a supervised study space throughout the school day for 6th Year students who wish to study in school.

3rd Year students will be present in school for the full day from Thursday 10 February to Tuesday 15 February. On these days, study periods between exams are built into their timetable. From Wednesday 16 February to Friday 18 February 3rd Year students will be examined in their Option Subjects and students on these dates will have permission to study at home when they do not have an exam. Again the school will provide a supervised study space throughout the school day for 3rd Year students who wish to study in school.

Parents of 3rd Year students are asked to click on the link below which outlines in detail the required attendance of 3rd Year students on a day by day basis:

Pre Exam Details Final

As previously advised:

  • 6th Year students will be located in the PE Hall
  • 6th Year LCA students will be located in room B34
  • 3rd Year students will remain in their base classrooms apart from 3rd Year Rang Eabha who will relocate to the multi-purpose room.