Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
As indicated in our Parents Update last Friday 2 September, 1st Year Parents will be given access to VSware this week.
Please click on the link below to access the following document ‘Accessing VSWare: A Brief Guide for Parents’ which will guide you through the necessary steps in order to access your child’s information.
Where a student is absent from school after 9.30am without an explanation, a text will be issued through our VSware school management system to the child’s parent who is registered on the system. Parents are then asked to follow up with the school immediately.
Parents and students are asked to ensure that appointments such as GP visits, physio etc. are made outside of school times. Where signing the student out of school is unavoidable, parents and students are asked to note that there are designated times for students to be signed out of school. Students will not be permitted to sign out of school outside of these times.
Monday to Thursday
Students can be signed out between 11.30am to 12.00pm and between 1.30pm to 2.00pm.
Students can be signed out between 11am to 11.30am