A comprehensive career guidance and counselling service is available to all students. Elements of this service include:

  • Individual career guidance
  • Individual counselling
  • Individual and group advice on subject choice
  • Curriculum Vitae and interview preparation
  • Visits to third level colleges
  • Visits to career exhibitions
  • Advice on study skills and examination technique
  • Help with third level college applications
  • Help and advice regarding applications for Post Leaving Certificate courses

Students are provided with one to one guidance and counselling sessions. Students also experience guidance in the classroom, offering them the unique opportunity to design and develop key skills for successful learning, self-organisation, study and CAO applications.


Third Level Colleges and Institutes of Further Education

Munster Based Third Level Institutes

Cork ETB Further Education Colleges


Civil Service/Public Jobs

Other Career Sectors


Some Useful Websites
Study Skills

Go to the ‘Student’ section of our website and select ‘Study Skills’ for detailed information.

Some other useful websites:






Useful Sites for if you need a little emotional or social help

Aware- https://www.aware.ie/

BelongTo- https://www.belongto.org/

Bodywhys- https://www.bodywhys.ie/ 

Childline- https://www.childline.ie/

Cork Mental Health- https://www.corkmentalhealth.com/

Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy- https://www.iacp.ie/

Kinsale Your Support Services- https://www.kyss.ie/

Matt Talbot Adolescent Services- www.mtas.ie

Mental Health Ireland- https://www.mentalhealthireland.ie/your-mental-health/

Pieta House- https://www.pieta.ie/

Reach Out- https://www.youth.ie/project-item/reachout/

Samaritans- https://www.samaritans.org/branches/cork/

Spun Out- https://spunout.ie/

Youth Health Service- https://www.mysexualhealth.ie/youth-health-services

Contact Us

Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965

Phone: 021 4822377 Email: glanmirecc@corketb.ie
School Roll Number: 76064F

Registered Charity No.20083274

Useful Links:

CAO  |  JCT | NCCA  | Careers Portal  | Curriculum Online  | NEPS  | Department of Education  | GDPR