by ronan | Jun 8, 2021 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS 2021 Arrangements have been put in place to make the exam settings as safe as possible. Candidates play a critical role in complying with measures designed to protect your health and safety over the course of the examinations period....
by Tom Pittam | May 28, 2021 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents/Guardians, Diograis Parents of nominated students will have received this week details of the category/categories in which their son/daughter was nominated. Next week the short list of nominees will be published on the school website with the winners...
by Tom Pittam | May 25, 2021 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Congratulations to Anna O Shaughnessy, Rang Padraig who has been awarded the Silver Gaisce Award as she finishes Transition Year. Anna follows in the foot steps of current 6th Year student Brendan Collins (Rang Deirdre) who received the Silver Gaisce Award in 2019....
by Tom Pittam | May 21, 2021 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, Covid-19 Confirmed Case Parents are asked to note that the school received notification this morning from Public Health of an additional confirmed case of Covid-19 in GCC. While we are not allowed to give specific details of any case it is important to...
by ronan | May 19, 2021 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents & Students, Following consultation with some of our 6th years and some 6th year teachers, Senior Management and the 6th Year Head met with our remaining 6th Year students this afternoon to inform them that formal classes will finish today, Wednesday...
by Tom Pittam | May 14, 2021 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents/Guardians, Summer Assessments As outlined in our update last week, a formal exam timetable has been constructed for 2nd Year and 5th Year students. Please click on the following link to view: Summer Tests Timetable 2021 Assessments for 2nd & 5th...