by Tom Pittam | Dec 18, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, End of Term A reminder that Transition Year students completed their Christmas term today Friday 18 December. All other year groups will finish next Monday 21 December at 3.50pm except for a small number of 5th Year students who have an exam on Tuesday...
by Tom Pittam | Dec 11, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, Finishing Dates for Students Parents are asked to note that Transition Year students are scheduled to finish for the Christmas term on Friday 18 December 2020. All other year groups will finish on Monday 21 December at 3.50pm. Teachers have been asked to...
by ronan | Dec 11, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, We wish to inform you that our 1st Years 2021-2022 Subject Choice Seminar has been deferred until January 2021. Round 1 offers for places in 1st Year next September 2021 had to be accepted by last Friday 4 December. We are currently making round 2 offers...
by Tom Pittam | Dec 11, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Student Council: Congratulations to Eugene Zhinzhin on his election as President of the Student Council and Head Boy. Also to Parsa Tahir on her election as Head Girl. We wish then both well in their roles as representatives of the student voice in the school. Eugene...
by Tom Pittam | Dec 4, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, Thankfully, another school week has passed without any incidences of Covid-19 in our school. It is a great credit to all in our school community that in a school of almost 1250 people we have had less than a handful of confirmed cases since the beginning...
by Tom Pittam | Nov 27, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents/Guardians, Covid-19 We have now completed 4 full weeks of school since the October mid-term and we would like to thank our staff, parents and students for your continued cooperation with our Covid protocols. Thanks to this cooperation the school has...