by Tom Pittam | Jun 12, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents & Guardians, Please click on the relevant year group below to view GCC’s stationery requirements for the academic year 2020/21 starting September next: FIRST YEAR STUDENTS STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS SECOND YEAR STUDENTS STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS...
by Tom Pittam | Jun 16, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students, Please see below a letter from the State Examinations Commission (SEC) regarding Examination fee refunds: Dear Principal Further to our email of June 2nd regarding the Examination Fee refund, the State Examinations would like to...
by Tom Pittam | Jun 11, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Leaving Cert Students, Parents & Guardians, Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) will host a number of Webinars through Zoom for prospective CAO students on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th June 2020 and will cover areas such as Business, Engineering, Science,...
by Tom Pittam | Jun 2, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Leaving certificate students, UCC will be facilitating a CAO Change of Mind LIVE CHAT Q&A Series: Please click on the link below for further details and note also the time and date for the different faculties: Monday 22nd June 2-4pm: College of...
by Tom Pittam | May 29, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Our Annual Diograis Awards ceremony captures the celebration of endeavour throughout our school community. We wish to congratulate all of our students on your achievements and your contributions to our school during this academic year. We were pleased to acknowledge...
by Tom Pittam | Jun 3, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Please see below a message from the State Examinations Commission regarding refunds for Junior & Leaving Certificate Examination fees: Dear Principal, I refer to the announcements made by the Minister for Education and Skills,...