by Tom Pittam | May 19, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
During this uncertain period it is essential that Wellbeing for all who are part of our school community continues to be prioritised. Please click on the links below to view GCC’s Virtual Wellness Space which provides some ideas to help us all stay well. Our thanks to...
by ronan | May 11, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents & Students, Calculated Grades for Leaving Certificate Students 2020 Following the Minister’s announcement last Friday regarding the postponement of the Leaving Cert and the use of Calculated Grades for Leaving Cert students we wish to provide you with...
by ronan | May 8, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents & Students, By now most of you will have heard today’s announcement about Leaving Cert 2020 and commentary/interpretation through the various media channels. In the interest of clarity, we’re posting today’s official announcement,...
by ronan | May 7, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents & Students, We hope you continue to stay safe and well. Please see below updates regarding Summer Assessments 2020 Updated Goggle Classroom Codes Benefits of Post Leaving Cert courses Summer Assessments 2020 Over the last week we have been gathering...
by Tom Pittam | Apr 30, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents, Following a number of enquiries, we were in contact with the State Examinations Commission yesterday to seek clarification regarding the payment of fees for the Leaving Cert and Junior Cert exams. We received the response below. Please continue to keep...
by ronan | Apr 24, 2020 | Latest News, School Memos, Uncategorized
Dear Parents & Students We would like to update you regarding our planning for assessment of our students at the end of May. A discussion with staff was delayed pending the outcome of a Cork ETB principals meeting which took place this morning. Engagement on the...