Dear Parents of 6th Year Students,

As you are aware the school makes an annual charitable refunds claim to Revenue based on the voluntary contributions parents make to the school. Completion of the form is part of the enrolment process to the school in 1st Year. Unfortunately, the initial form only covers a student’s first 5 years in the school because not all students will enter TY. Therefore, we are obliged each year to ask the parents of 6th Year students to complete a new form in order for us to be able to claim against their payments.

This morning during tutorial we distributed new CHY3 forms to 6th Year students and asked for them to be returned on Monday morning at registration. The form is just one page (link below) and we hope a short turn around will help maximise the number of forms we receive back. Thanks to you our GCC parents for your help in ensuring we maximise this revenue stream which has proven invaluable to the school over the last number of years.

CHY3 Form

GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Caroline Byrne (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)