Please see below the schedule for students to collect their school books tomorrow Wednesday 26 August.

Schedule for Collection of School Books Wednesday 26 August 2020

To ensure safe management of this necessary task the process must be completed by class group. This will ensure we are aware who is in the school building at any particular time and that the numbers given access ensure compliance with social distancing guidelines. We must adhere to the schedule strictly and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.

1st Year Schedule Wednesday 26 August 2020

9.00am to 9.40am

Rang Aishling

9.40am to 10.20am

Rang Brid

10.20am to 11.00am

Rang Clar

11.20am to 12.00pm

Rang Diarmuid

12.00pm to 12.40pm

Rang Eilis

12.40pm to 1.20pm

Rang Finnian

1.20pm to 2.00pm

Rang Gearoid

5th Year Schedule Wednesday 26 August 2020

9.00am to 9.40am

Rang Colmain

9.40am to 10.20am

Rang Maire

10.20am to 11.00am

Rang Naoise

11.20am to 12.00pm

Rang Setanta

12.00pm to 12.40pm

Rang Sinead

12.40pm to 1.20pm

Rang Tara


The planned procedure is as follows:

  • Parents and students are required to wear a face covering when entering the school.
  • Students from the designated class group will arrive to the school at their assigned time slot.
  • On Wednesday entry for First Years will be via the main entrance to the B-Block only and will be monitored to ensure numbers at all times are manageable and within guidelines. (See link to school map)
  • On Wednesday entry for Fifth Years will be via the main entrance to the C-Block only and will be monitored to ensure numbers at all times are manageable and within guidelines. (See link to school map)
  • A register of students will be taken.
  • If queuing is required outside please ensure you maintain social distancing.
  • Students will be given their student journal before being directed to the B-Block Social Area to collect their books.
  • Please avail of the hand sanitizing units provided throughout the school.
  • Please exit only by the designated route. (See link to school map)

Parents and students are asked to note specifically that

  • Students can only access the building at the designated time for their class.
  • Members of the senior management team will be circulating on the morning to answer any questions or queries our 1st Year Parents might have.

Please Click on maps below for directions;

Map for 1st Year Directions

Map for 5th Year Directions

Yours Sincerely

GCC Senior Management