Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
As you are aware, GCC has successfully been awarded the Green Schools Flag following a rigorous assessment on May 27th before the summer break. The assessor and the team at Green-Schools and An Táisce were very impressed with the application and congratulated us on this success.
Here are some of the many items we have achieved to officially make GCC a green school….
- Established a strong teacher and student green schools committee.
- Recycling stations throughout all social spaces.
- Recycling bins in all classrooms throughout the school building.
- Daily Litter picking by our student committee eliminating litter black-spots.
- Installed digital water dispensers in social areas…40,000 plastic bottles saved in the first 6 months!!
- Established a partnership with SuperValu and the local tidy towns to improve our local environment.
- Delivered workshops to students ran by Voice Ireland.
- Raising awareness of litter and waste continuously.
- Continuously working with Cork City Council receiving grants towards new filtered water dispensers and outdoor recycling stations.
- We have been successful with an application to improve access to the school building for pedestrians & cyclists and construct bicycle parking shelters in conjunction with Green Schools and the local authorities.
- Working towards a more sustainable future educating ourselves and others along the way.
Please view the images below of our recycling stations highlighting the correct way they should be used…
GCC Green Schools Targets for 2021/22 school year…..
- Reduce single use plastics – move towards eliminating them completely!!
- Recycle waste correctly – follow the simple steps.
- Compost all waste foods and other compostable & biodegradable materials.
- Reduce general waste amounts.
- Develop a whole school culture that will promote a more environmentally sustainable campus.
- Move towards achieving our second theme targeting energy consumption.
- Improve our infrastructure for school access to promote walking and cycling to school.
What can we all do to help…..
- Lead by example to our students and peers, set the trend!!
- Get involved in the green schools committee.
- Promote the reduction of single use plastics.
- Bring reusable drinking bottles and lunch boxes to school – think Zero waste!
- Get involved in action days run by the green schools committee and Green Schools Ireland.
- Use the correct recycling and waste bins in social areas, classrooms, and around the school campus.
- Reduce energy where possible!
Thank you for your time,
GCC Green Schools committee & School Management.