Dear Parents and Students,
GCC Fire Drill
Parents are asked to note that the school held a fire drill this morning. Thank you to all our staff and students for their cooperation throughout the drill. Overall, the drill ran very successfully with only a small number of minor issues to be addressed. The school was cleared, the buildings swept and nearly 1200 staff and students had gathered in the basketball courts in just under 5 minutes. As part of our standard review process, we will be seeking feedback on the drill with regard to any issues or improvements that can be implemented for future drills.
GCC Ski Trip 2026 – Application Form
Glanmire Community College is planning to organize a Transition Year Ski Trip to Italy or Austria in late January/early February 2026. The estimated cost of the ski trip will be in the region of €1450 to €1500 per student. Please click on the link below to view details of the trip and an expression of interest form which is to be returned to our SKI Trip Coordinator Mr Rees by Friday 27 September.
Application Form Ski Trip 2026

GCC Ski Trip 2024
GCC Activities of the Week 4 [Monday 16 – Friday 20 September 2024]
Please click here to view Activities of the Week for next week Monday 16 to Friday 20 September.
GCC 1st Year Team Building Activities September 2024
Next week the school will run team building activities for our 1st Year students. Our thanks to Marie McInerney for the time she has put into organising the days with Let’s Go. Please click on the link below to view the schedule for next week.
GCC 1st Year Team Building Activities
GCC Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment
The Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) require that the school’s Board of Management [BOM] must undertake a review of our Child Safeguarding Statement, and a checklist is provided for this purpose.
The review must be completed every year or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the Child Safeguarding Statement refers. Undertaking the annual review also ensures that the school meets its statutory obligation under section 11(8) of the Children First Act 2015, to review its Child Safeguarding Statement every two years.
Please click on the link below to view the checklist. This checklist will be completed and presented to our BOM at its next meeting on Monday 21 October.
Checklist for Review of Child Safeguarding Statement
GCC Upcoming Calendar Events – September
Thursday 26 September | GCC Open Evening* | 6.30pm |
Monday 30 September | GCC closed for Students & Staff | |
Monday 7 October | Briefing session for 1st Year Parents | 7:30-8:30pm |
Monday 7 October | GCC Parents Council AGM | 7.30pm |
Monday 7-11 October | Autumn assessments (all year groups) | |
Wednesday 9 October | Oide Staff Training Day, GCC closed for students | |
Monday 21 October | Board of Management Meeting | 4:30pm |
Monday 21 October | Parents Council Meeting | 7:30pm |
*School finished at 12.30pm for all students
We hope you have a nice weekend.
GCC Senior Management [Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Patrick O Mahony (Deputy Principal) Caroline Byrne (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal)]