Dear Parents,
Diograis Awards Ceremony
We would like once again to thank everyone who helped to make the Diograis awards ceremony such a successful and meaningful event last night. So many people contributed in a myriad of different ways and the night was a wonderful exhibition of talent, creativity and all that is best about GCC. We wish to congratulate all of our students who were nominated and/or received a Diograis Award. This is a great achievement, and is one of which they should be proud. A special word of thanks also to our guest speaker Minister for Finance Michael McGrath TD who spent the evening with us. Well done to all our students who have worked so hard to reach their potential in school this year. Our Diograis photos will be shared with you through the school website next week.
GCC Book Rental Scheme
Glanmire Community College is acutely aware of the substantial costs of schooling for parents and we try to keep costs to a minimum. Our book rental scheme is one way we can help parents substantially reduce their annual costs. The scheme is operated and supported by various groups in the school including the Book Rental Coordinator, the Parents’ Council on behalf of the Board of Management, with assistance from our Senior Management Team, Teachers, SNA staff and students.
Since 2020, all books have been barcoded using a computerised book rental database. Each student’s details and rented textbooks are recorded on this system. Books are allocated having been counted, scanned and checked. Students are responsible for all textbooks issued to them by the school.
Books are scanned back into the system on return when students have finished their courses. This ensures these books become available for the next cohort of students. If books are not returned, the book rental coordinator follows up on this. The cost of lost/excessively damaged books is borne by the student/parents. Students/Parents have the option of sourcing a replacement second-hand book or paying to reimburse the cost of the missing/damaged books.
This year, 3rd and 6th-year students are kindly asked to return their books to the designated areas 30 minutes prior to the beginning of each of their Junior Cycle or Leaving Certificate exams. Students are asked to follow the schedule as posted on their respective year group Google Classrooms. 3rd-year students will be returning books to B31 (The dress design room), which is next to the exit for the PE hall. 6th-year students will be returning books to the C Block social area. The continued success of the book rental scheme relies on the cooperation of both students and parents. It is therefore essential that all books are returned in a timely manner, in order to begin planning for the coming academic year.
As always your support is greatly appreciated.
GCC Activities of the Week
Please click on the following link to view the planned activities for the week beginning Monday 15th May 2023:
Activities of the Week Mon 15th -19th May
GCC Weekly Review
Please click on the link below to read our review of the week 2 – 5 May. Items include:
- GCC lead the Way for the Cork City Marathon Youth Challenge
- GCC raises funds for Pieta House
- TY LGFA football blitz
- GCC CanSat Team Take To the Stars
- Lunchtime Club
- 1st and 2nd year Camogie Blitz
- Hub students end of year trip
Please click on the link below to read the review
Home based Summer programme 2023
Please click on the link below to view see information for parents regarding the Home-Based Summer Programme 2023 as well as an application form should you wish to participate in the programme. If you wish to avail of this support, please complete the application form and return to the office in order for the school to register your child on the portal.
Application form for Sanctioning
Summer Schools run by UCC’s Disability Support Service
Deirdre Madden in the Disability Support Department, UCC would like to share the following information with students and parents:
UCC’s Disability Support Service welcomes and supports students who have disabilities.
- On May 29thrd we will welcome secondary school students on the autistic spectrum
UCC Summer School for Autistic Students Tickets, Mon 29 May 2023 at 10:30 | Eventbrite
- On May 31st we will welcome secondary school students with who are blind/vision impaired or Deaf/hard of hearing or students with a physical/mobility difficulty
These Summer Schools are free of charge and lunch will be provided for students who attend. Their parents/guardians are invited to attend an information session in the morning. Places are limited so early booking is advised.
GCC Summer Exams 2023
Please click on the following link to view the final timetables for our 2023 Summer House Exams.
Parents Update Friday 28 April 2023 – Glanmire Community College (
The following revision guides for 1st and 2nd Year students will assist students in preparation for their exams.
1st Year Revision Guide Summer 2023
2nd Year Revision Guide Summer
Transition Year – Cognitive Ability Assessment (CAT4)
A reminder that Transition Year students will sit the Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) during the week 15-19 May next. The purpose of this assessment is to update our student profiles to more accurately monitor students’ academic engagement and achievement over the course of 5th and 6th Year. Please access the letter via the link below for further information and links to more detailed explanations of the CAT4.
TY CAT4 Assessment_Letter for Parents
Reminder – GCC Strategic Planning Parents/Guardians Survey
A reminder to parents to please complete the Strategic Planning survey below. The closing date has been extended to next Friday 19 May:
GCC is committed to providing a high-quality educational experience for all its students and seeking excellence in all aspects of school life. Proper forward planning is essential to give GCC the best opportunity for sustained and continued success. GCC is in the process of developing our school improvement plan for the period September 2023 to December 2026. This plan will provide clear direction for the students, staff and management, as to the agreed priorities for the school over the coming years. As part of the plan we are seeking the input and participation of parents and guardians. Please click on the link below to complete the short survey:
GCC Calendar Events
Date | Event | Time |
Monday 15 May 2023 | GCC Board of Management Meeting | @4.30pm |
Monday 15 May 2023 | GCC Parents Council Meeting | @7.30pm |
Tuesday 16 May 2023 | GCC Leaving Cert Graduation | 7.00p.m – 9.30pm |
Monday 22 May 2023 | GCC AP1/SMT Meeting | 4pm – 5pm |
Friday 26 May 2023 | GCC House Summer Exams 2023 | 1 week |
Friday 2 June 2023 | GCC Staff Meeting | TBC |
Wednesday 7 June 2023 | Leaving and Junior State Exams |
We hope you have a nice weekend.
GCC Senior Management