Dear GCC Parents, Guardians & Students,

GCC BOM Meeting Monday 11 March  2024 – Agreed Report

Please click on the following link to view the Agreed Report from our Board of Management meeting last Monday 11 March 2024.

Agreed Report GCC BOM Meeting Monday 11 March 2024

Senior Cycle Redevelopment Information Note

Please click here to view information on Senior Cycle Redevelopment.

Senior Cycle Redevelopment Information Note March

Parent and Guardian information evening in UCC Tuesday 21st March 2024

Please click here to view a letter inviting all interested parents to an information session being held in UCC on Tuesday 21st March.  There is also a link in the letter for you to register so you can guarantee your place.

GCC Pre-Examinations 2024

We are hopeful that will be able to publish Junior Cycle Pre Exam results to VSware towards the middle of next week. We are currently waiting on just two sets of papers to be returned from the Dublin Examining Board and the results to be inputted.

Activities of the week Tuesday 19 March – Friday 22 March 2024 

Please click here to view the planned school activities for the week Monday 11 to Friday 15 March 2024.

Review of the Week 

Please click here to see the review of the activities that took place 26th February-1st March.

Please click here to see the review of the activities that took place 4th-8th March.

1st Year Library Membership

As part of our Reading Initiative GCC has launched a 1st year Library Membership Drive. Please click on the following link for further details:

1st Year Library Membership – Glanmire Community College (

GCC Upcoming Calendar Events 

Date   Event   Time  
Monday 18 March St Patricks Day Bank Holiday School Closed
Tuesday 19 March GCC Parents Council Meeting @ 7.30pm
Friday 22 March Easter Holidays Mon 25 Mar – Fri 5 Apr

VSware Attendance App

We are grateful to parents for their high level of engagement with the VSware Attendance App since we introduced it in November. Please note the following:

  • The App is now the only way to communicate with the school regarding your child’s absence whether it is a full day absence or partial absence.
  • For a partial absence during the school day, the student must present at the school office to sign out.
  • Once it is confirmed that the absence has been authorised by a parent through the VSware App, the student has permission to leave school.
  • Please note parents/guardians are not required to come into the school reception for collection.
  • Parents who have not downloaded the app are kindly asked to do so as a matter of priority.

The Minister for Education, Ms Norma Foley TD, has published a guidance document on the new schoolbooks scheme for all students in Junior Cycle years in post-primary schools in the Free Education Scheme in Ireland from September 2024. Please click on the links below to view a letter from Minister Foley regarding the school book scheme which we have been requested to share with parents.

Letter to parents from Minister Foley post-primary (English version)

Letter to parents from Minister Foley post-primary (Irish version)

With an existing book rental scheme in the school and a supplier framework already established through Cork ETB, GCC is well placed to roll out this initiative. There will however be significant planning required to take account of the additional responsibilities placed on the school particularly in relation to stationery. Parents are asked to note that GCC has operated a book rental scheme at both Junior and Senior Cycle for a long number of years and this will continue in September 2024.

We hope you have a nice long weekend.
GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Caroline Byrne (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)