Dear Parents,

Given the expressions of interest from our Transition Year (TY) students, we plan to organise our annual G.C.C. Transition Year School Tour again during this academic year. This year’s tour will be to Amsterdam. Please note this is dependent on final numbers, availability of flights, accommodation and access to tour venues. The deposit of €250 for the tour must be paid by Wednesday 16 November and is non-refundable. It is important to take time to read in detail the information provided through the links below before committing to the payment. Please note participation in the tour is voluntary for students.

TY Tour Letter to Parents 8 November 2022

How to make a payment online for your School Tour to Amsterdam

GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)