Dear Students & Parents,

In the past the school communicated with parents/guardians in relation to all of its students, regardless of their age. As you are aware, last year new data protection legislation was introduced across the EU which governs how organisations process personal data. The current position is that a school’s legal basis for such communications ceases when the student reaches the age of 18 years. In law, students 18 years of age or older are adults and we are required to treat students as such when processing personal data. This means that the school can no longer share the personal data of a student aged 18 or over with Parents or Guardians without the student’s written consent. This in effect means the school is legally obliged to deal directly with the students in relation to his/her personal data. This includes communications regarding educational progress/reports, school attendance, behavioural issues, etc.

On Friday 5 September 2019 class teachers will distribute consent forms at tutorials to students who are 18 or who turn 18 between now and Christmas.  The student has two options:

Complete and Return section A (see link below) of the form whereby the students gives consent for his/her personal data to be shared with parents, guardians or any third-party nominee


Complete and return Section B (see link below) whereby the student does not give consent for his/her data to be shared. In this case the student is being asked to provide their own contact details and contact details for a next of kin (to be used only in the case of emergency).

Parents and students are asked to note that if a student is 18 years of age or over, in the absence of a written consent form;

  • the school can only deal directly with the student.
  • parents and guardians (of students who are 18 years of age and over) cannot be contacted regarding attendance, results or any other element of the student’s schooling that involves personal data
  • parents or guardians will not be permitted to attend Pupil/Parent/Teacher meetings
  • parents and guardians will also be denied access to your personal data on VSware. 


GDPR Letter

Section A Sharing of Data

Section B – Non Sharing of Data