Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you are aware the school will reopen for all students following the Easter break. Please click on the link below to view the School Return to Learning Form which parents (or students over 18) must sign stating that you have no reason to believe that your child has infectious disease and that you have followed all medical and public health guidance with respect to exclusion of your child from educational facilities. It is important to note that the Return to Learning Form must be completed again by parents of 5th & 6th Year students (or the student himself/herself if over 18) as it is will be over 2 weeks since these students were last in school. Please note also that where a number of children from the one family are attending, a separate form must be completed for each child.
Link to School Return to Learning Form
School Return to Learning Form (For printing)
School Return to Learning Form
Parents and students (over 18) are asked to note that this form must be completed and returned to the school before the student can recommence on site lessons on Monday 12 April 2021. You have the option of completing the online version of the form (link above) or to print off a hard copy of the form and bring it with you on Monday morning. With over 1100 students in GCC, this is a major undertaking to gather and collate this information, therefore we would appreciate if parents and students (over 18) could use the link if possible.
Parents and students are asked to read the following information carefully and in detail:
School Canteen
Starting on Friday 9 April students will be able to order and purchase their lunch online. This is a continuation of the system that we had in place with our school canteen provider O Crualaoi’s from September to Christmas. Orders placed tomorrow (Friday 9 April) or over the weekend will be available to collect here in school on Monday. The same designated collection points that were in operation up to the end of December will be in place again. A reminder that there is no obligation on parents/students to use this system and students are free to continue to bring their own lunch to school. Only online purchases will be available in the short term. We will review the situation after 2 weeks.
For any food related enquiries please email stating the name of the school and the year the student is in. For other issues such as log in problems please email When logging onto the system a reminder to ensure that you have ticked GCC as your school.
School Uniform
Students must be in full school uniform on their return to school. Students may be asked to return home to ensure they meet their responsibilities with regard to uniform.
Classroom Protocols
- Using the dispenser available in each classroom, students must sanitize their hands as they enter and leave the classroom.
- Students must bring their own wipes to school and will be required to wipe down the desk and chair they are at each time they enter a classroom.
- Windows are to be open as fully as possible when classrooms are not in use (e.g. during break-times or lunch-times (assuming not in use) and also at the end of each school day) and partially open when classrooms are in use.
- Students will be assigned a seat by their subject teacher. This will be their assigned seat for all their classes. This is to facilitate contact tracing if required.
- Students are required to wear a face mask during all classes, when on corridors and using outdoor courtyard areas.
Timetable, Break Times & School Finishing Times
Parents are asked to remind their children that once they begin to meet up with others either on the way to or from school, on the school bus or outside the school entrance, they need to wear their masks. The school will continue to stagger the finishing times for students to help minimize the number of students exiting the school together at the end of the school day. The following are the details of the finishing times:
Monday to Thursday
1st Year and 2nd Years will finish at 3.40pm
4th Year and 5th Year will finish at 3.45pm
3rd Year and 6th Year will finish at 3.50pm (normal finishing time)
1st Year and 2nd Years will finish at 12.50pm
4th Year and 5th Year will finish at 12.55pm
3rd Year and 6th Year will finish at 1.00pm (normal finishing time)
Apart from a slightly amended finishing time, a full school timetable will be in operation for all students. During break times students must continue to wear a mask unless they are eating or drinking.
Covid-19 Symptoms
A reminder to all parents and students of the symptoms of Covid-19. Parents are advised to keep students at home if they are sick or if they have any symptoms of COVID-19.
- High temperature
- A new cough
- Shortness of breath /breathing difficulties
- Loss of smell/taste or distortion of taste.
We have been asked to remind students that informal meeting up outside school, for example to participate in a study group or to rehearse for a school-related activity, is not permitted under current public health restriction measures.
We look forward to welcoming back all our students on Monday. Since our return to school in September we have had high levels of cooperation from parents and students with our Covid protocols. While there are no guarantees, continued compliance gives all of us in the school community the best opportunity to ensure GCC remains Covid free.
GCC Senior Management