Dear Parents & Students,

Please click on the links below to view the most up to date access codes for individual teachers and classrooms on Google Classroom and/or Edmodo online learning platforms. Each link begins with a brief graphic/explanation of how to log into a Google classroom.

Our online Google Classroom is a very useful means for us to support your child’s continuing engagement in learning. Access to and use of this platform is a privilege and should be treated with the utmost respect. The terms of use are underpinned by our Internet Acceptable Use Policy and by our Code of Behaviour.

Parents are asked to review and discuss your son/daughters online class activity regularly. We are also asking parents to ensure your son/daughter has changed their password, which only they know. You should be aware that any inappropriate commentary or online activity will result in your son/daughters account being suspended and they will be denied access. S/he may also be held solely responsible for the content posted and subject to any actions, as outlined in our policies.

We would like to remind parents and students about the importance of keeping up to date on all work assignments. Parents and students also need to be cognisant of the possible impact of online platforms to daily work routines. We are asking parents and students (as far as is practicable) to engage with teachers and programmes during normal school hours. In current circumstances it is more important than ever that the clear separation of work life and home life is maintained.

Goggle Classroom Access Codes 

For up to date access codes please access the post “Information for Students and Parents Monday 30 March 2020 ” on the school website

We will continue to update you as required through the school website and via our text messaging system.

GCC Senior Management Monday 23 March 2020