Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,

JCT Cluster Day 

A reminder that as per our agreed calendar, the school is closed to all students next Monday 7 February 2022 to facilitate staff JCT CPD Cluster Day workshops.

Assessment for incoming 1st Year Students 

Please note our assessment for incoming 1st Years, planned for Saturday 12 February, will not go ahead on this date. We hope to hold the assessment as soon as restrictions allow. We look forward to welcoming our new 1st Year students to GCC. We will update parents again following the February mid-term break.

Cork Ladies Inter-County GAA
A huge congratulations to a large number of our students who have selected for both the Cork U-16 camogie and U-16 ladies teams for the season ahead. They have displayed great commitment for their own clubs, school teams and school work – the dedication has paid off. Well done and best of luck for the season ahead!


Student Enterprise Programme

Congratulations to Heather Daly, Rang Cliona, whose enterprise recently won first prize in a Junior Achievement Competition for Best Sales Pitch. The Student Enterprise Programme is an initiative run by the Network of Local Enterprise Offices, is Ireland’s largest and most successful student enterprise programme with over 29,000 second level students taking part each year.

Green Schools

Our green schools student committee have been busy with Ryan’s Supervalu Glanmire with an initiative to reuse their waste coffee grounds for the local community garden. Coffee grounds add organic material to the soil, which improves drainage, water retention and aeration. Used coffee grounds also help microorganisms, beneficial to plant growth and attracting earthworms. Other uses include naturally repelling slug and snails (they hate the taste of caffeine) and feeding your plants. The students have been collecting all the waste grounds since November carrying them to the school every week for the community garden that is on our school campus. This initiative is a great example of a more sustainable economy. Well done to all involved.

Green School Committee members: Izzy Brennan, James O Sullivan, Ciara Fitzpatrick, Ruth Callaghan, Elva Jose and Supervalu Marketing manager Louise Opperman.


Lord Mayor’s Visit

Please click on the link below to view the Cork Lord Mayor Cllr. Colm Kellehers’ letter to schools regarding this years visit.

Lord Mayor Letter to schools 2022


Leaving Certificate 2022 – Registration for Examinations

Please see important information for all students intending to sit the Leaving Certificate in June 2022. Candidates are required to register for their exams via the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP). This can be accessed via Students will need to verify their subjects and levels prior to Friday 11th February.  For a guide to using the CSSP click on the link below;

LC CSSP Guide 2022

Advice & Information for Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle Pre-Examination Students


Students should note the expectations for sitting the pre-examinations;

  • Please note students must be in full school uniform, or may not be permitted to sit their pre-exams.
  • Mobile phones or other electronic devices (data banks, ear phones, smart watches etc.) are not permitted.
  • Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and we wish all of our students the very best for their pre-exams.

Please click on the link below for Advice and further  important information:

Instructions to Candidates Pre Examinations


We hope you have a nice weekend

GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)