Dear Parents,
Pupil/Parent/Teacher (PPT) Meetings

As per our agreed calendar our 3rd Year PPT meeting is due to take place next Tuesday 9 November. We have been advised by Cork ETB that, at this time, PPT meetings should not take place face to face. Consequently, we will continue our approach from last year whereby feedback is provided to parents via the mechanism of additional reporting. This approach was very successful last year with both parents and students receiving high quality constructive feedback from teachers which directed students clearly on how to improve their overall learning outcomes. All 3rd Year teachers, including RE, CSPE, SPHE, PE and Resource teachers, should provide additional feedback to parents. A reminder that the additional reporting process involves teachers commenting under the following 3 headings:

  1. Engagement in Learning: Teachers may wish to comment on students development of academic skills that support learning*: for example: Well Organised; Pays attention well; Persistence in Tasks; Adaptability; Cooperation; Eagerness for Learning (engaging in questions, discussion, seeking clarification); Independent Learner.
    (*Behaviours that predict success in education:
  2. Academic Performance: Achievement in class assessments and the quality of assignments/projects submitted – Teachers may wish to comment on the suitability of the subject level currently being studied and grades achieved relative to overall ability/potential.
  3. Areas for Improvement: Teachers may wish to comment on 2-3 specific areas that would help the student to improve their overall engagement and/or performance

As was the case last year this feedback to parents will be inputted on VSware for parents to access. We have asked staff that all feedback would be inputted by next Friday 12 November with the information available to parents the week beginning Monday 15 November. Parents are asked to note that we will use the additional reporting mechanism for the 3rd Year PPT meeting and we will update parents again before making a decision on the format of the 6th Year PPT meeting on Wednesday 24 November.

Parents Council AGM 

The AGM of our GCC Parents Council will take place next Monday 8 November at 7.30pm via Zoom. At the meeting our new Chairperson and Secretary will be appointed. Following the AGM our monthly Parents Council meeting with school senior management will take place. Any parent who is currently registered with our Parents Council and who wishes to attend the meeting is asked to email Tina Coy at for the link.

Our Parents Council is always delighted to welcome new members. New parents or existing parents who are yet to register with our Parents Council are asked to please email  with the name of your child, class and year group, and the details will be passed on to the Parents Council. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Google Classroom
Parents are asked to note that following a request from our GCC Parents Council we have asked our teachers when allocating homework to upload, where possible, a picture of the relevant pages of the text book to Google Classroom. This we hope will give students an opportunity to leave some text books in school at the end of each school day.


Transition Year Parents Briefing
Next Wednesday 10 November we will hold a virtual meeting for parents of our current TY students to update them on the programme and to outline the plans for the TY trip to Delphi in the New Year. The meeting will begin at 7.30pm and will end no later than 8.00pm. A link to the meeting will be provided via the school website on Wednesday afternoon.

Open November in Munster Technological University 

MTU Cork Campus are delighted to offer students and their supporters, guidance counsellors and teachers access to a series of events for our Open November LIVE from MTU series of events. Following the latest government announcements in relation to COVID-19, we have decided to organise hybrid events which will provide students with the opportunity to come on campus or to participate in events live from home.

For those who wish to participate in these events on campus, please note that preregistration is mandatory and that all individuals who register to attend will need to produce their EU COVID-19 Digital Certificates in order to be admitted. Advance registration is not required for virtual attendees. At each event, both on-campus and virtual attendees will be provided with an overview of the various courses and facilities on offer at MTU and also get an opportunity to pose questions to MTU staff and students. All events will be streamed live from and through social media channels.

Please note further details will follow in the coming weeks in relation to our MTU Crawford College of Art & Design and MTU Cork School of Music. Our Kerry Campus open day is due to take place on Friday 26th November.

Full details of Open November LIVE from MTU are available at Please visit this web page to see full details of the series and to reserve places at specific events.


Sustainability in Education

Please click here to view the fourth Issue of the Department of Education’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Newsletter which has now been published:

Did You Know?

A hot water tap that leaks one drop per second can add up to 625 litres a month. That’s more than one person uses in two weeks.

A plastic bag is used for an average of 12 minutes but will remain in the environment for 1,000 years before it decomposes. Say no to bags when you go shopping!

Worldwide, 132 million girls are out of school including 34.3 million of primary school age.


Parent-focused Public Health advice about COVID-19 symptoms 
Please click on the link below for parent-focused public health advice about COVID-19 symptoms.


We would like to congratulate the following students:

  • Luke Merrigan 1st Year Rang Barra who claimed a silver medal in the Munster cross country championships. He will now represent his club, county and province in the All Irelands in Gowran park on December 5th.
  • Lydia Walsh 5th Year Rang Nuala who ran up an age (under 18) and secured an individual medal at the Munster cross country championships coming 12th position overall. She will also represent club, county and province in the All Irelands on November 24th in Abbotstown, Dublin.
  • To the GCC students who were part of the Under 13 Sars team (2nd team) that won the County finals over the mid term break beating Midleton 12 points to 8.

We hope you have a nice weekend.

GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)