Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,

6th Year Orals and Music Practicals 

We would like to wish all our 6th Year students well in their oral exams starting tomorrow and continuing until next Thursday. As well as Irish and French orals we have students taken exams in Polish, Chinese, Russian & Spanish. Best wishes also to our Music students who are being assessed in their Music Practicals.’


Junior Cycle Pre-Examinations 

Parents are asked to note that results for the Junior Cycle Pre-Examinations are available to access through VSware. Please click on the link below to access the following document ‘Accessing VSWare: A Brief Guide for Parents’ which will guide you through the necessary steps in order to access your child’s results.

VSWare_How to Access Your Parent Account

Draft Calendar 2022/2023 School Year

Please click on the link below to view a draft calendar for the 2022/2023 school year. The draft is working off the assumption of a normal school reopening in late August. Please feedback with any comments through our dedicated email by Thursday 14 April 2022. Our calendar will be finalised at our staff meeting on Wednesday 4 May 2022 and will be presented to our Board of Management (BOM) for sign off at its next meeting on Monday 16 May 2022.

GCC CALENDAR Draft 2022-2023

Glanmire Community College Robotics team off to Texas!

Six lucky GCC students are preparing to jet off to Dallas on May 3rd to represent Ireland in the VRC VEX Robotics World Championships 2022. Glanmire Community College along with Kinsale CC qualified in February as Ireland’s representatives for this, the world’s biggest Robotics competition. The team, ably led by their dynamic captain, Toby Tangney, will be spending 5 days in Dallas, three of which will be spent pitting their engineering and programming skills against high school teams from around the world, as their robots do battle on the “Tipping Point” game field. Their collective dedication and ambition won them their right to compete, but the support and generosity of the team’s various sponsors are making the dream a reality.

Enormous thanks to Glanmire and Districts Credit Union, supporters of the team for a number of years. To Stryker Model Farm Road and Cognex Ireland who have enthusiastically invested in the promotion of STEM projects in education. To the GCC Parents Council, Cork ETB and the school, as well as many individual small businesses who gave over the years and asked nothing in return. Our appreciation to the GCC management and Office staff for their invaluable help with purchases and bus bookings and the multitude of other tasks needed to, quite literally, keep the wheels turning.

To the students travelling to the USA: do yourselves, your families, your school, your community and Ireland proud. To those club members who also deserved a seat on the plane, but knew that team selection is a cruel business – keep working, your time will come.

GCC VEX Robotics has, from humble beginnings 7 years ago, finally made it to the world stage. The very best of luck to the team in Texas.

The Robotics Team with Chris Smith (right) Credit Union CEO, principal Mr. McCarthy (left) and Mr. Steele, teacher & robotics coach


Darkness Into Light – May 7th 2022 – Call for Volunteers

We are very close now to the 2022 Darkness Into Light walk – In the past GCC has hosted over 2,000 participants coming together in a message of hope and light. We are hoping that once again the community of Glanmire and the staff of GCC will be able to help raise much needed, life saving funds for the people of this island.

The DIL Committee in the school would like to thank the community and the staff for their continued support of the event in the community. In order to successfully and safely run the event in 2022, we are calling on the community and staff to help us to make this possible.

We are looking for volunteers on the night. We will need volunteers for Stewarding – this is essential as without enough stewards the event cannot take place. We are also looking for volunteers to serve tea and coffee and light refreshments to the walk participants prior to and after the walk.  All help is greatly appreciated. You can email your interest to or DM the Facebook page directly Glanmire Darkness Into Light.


Students Fund-raise for Pieta House

Well done to the students in Rang Meabh 6th year & TY students who recently ran a fundraiser in the school raising over €1,000 for Pieta house. Thank you to Ms O’Connor, Mr Mylod, Ms Swantan and Ms Histon who helped students with this event. The students and teachers involved are pictured below with our school principal Mr. McCarthy presenting the donation to Darren Coyle representing Pieta House.


Munster Ladies Gaelic Football Post Primary Schools 2nd Year Blitz

Congratulations to our 2nd Year students who won the Munster LGFA post primary football blitz in the Mallow GAA complex yesterday. Well done to Ms Nagle, Ms O Sullivan and all the team.


Cork U-14 Munster Football Winners

Well done to Aoife Treacy 2nd Year R. Gearoid who was part of the Cork U14 Ladies Football panel who beat Kerry in the Munster Final on Sunday 3 April 2022.



UCC ROTHAR Survey (Parents of Transition and 5th Year students)

We have been asked to share the following survey questionnaire link with you, which is part of a study being undertaken at Cork University Business School, UCC and which is funded by the Irish Research Council. 

The objective of the study is to assess the value of safe cycling infrastructure for commuting to school in the Cork city area. This is done by asking parents their willingness to pay for cycling infrastructure to Cork schools. This is an important issue for our schools and society in the context of promoting active travel and making our cities more cycling-friendly. Participation in the survey is voluntary. The questionnaire is confidential and anonymous. Responses will be accessible only to the researchers in UCC and cannot be seen by anyone in the school. It will not be possible to identify individual schools or any participants in the survey. The study has been approved by the UCC Social Research Ethics Committee. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

The survey can be accessed Here.


Our School Ethos – Poster Competition

To celebrate our school ethos and to inform our school community of what our school ethos is, we are running a competition. Students are asked to create a Poster of what it means to them to be a student in an ETB school. Entries are to be submitted to your class teacher no later than Friday 29th April. This competition is open to all students. The above Word-Cloud was generated from student feedback based on a survey on our school ethos.


Architecture in Schools

Our school recently participated in an ‘Architecture in Schools’ Workshop giving an opportunity for students to collaborate in engagement and discussion facilitated by an architect. From this workshop, 3 projects (see below) from 3 teams of students’ work have been sent forward as part of an exhibition in the Museum of Country Life in Co. Mayo. A big congratulations to the teams involved from both Transition year and leaving Certificate. Please click on the link below to view the list of students and their projects. A big thanks also to Ms. S Kiely (art teacher) for facilitating this initiative. 

Architecture in Schools Students Work

Theme: Home & Sustainability: The 3 projects created that will be on exhibition in the Museum of Country Life, Mayo.

Internet Safety Talk: Dealing with Screen Time Challenges; for parents and teachers,

Are you worried about the amount of time your child(ren) spend online? With the holidays approaching, they may spend even more time online which heightens the concern that parents already have about screen time. Join this session Monday night where we will share information and practical advice to help you feel informed, empowered and equipped to deal with the challenges you’re faced with.

This is a FREE Event for teachers, parents/guardians to join the ZOOM Webinar; compliments of Trend Micro’s Internet Safety for Kids and Families Programme. (ISKF)

INVITE Others: All welcome. Here is the link to the webinar:

Webinar ID: 973 7979 4621 Password: 116680

“Give It A Try” for 2022 – Girls Rugby Courses

Girl’s rugby is currently the fastest growing sport in Ireland and we are delighted that Midleton RFC have been chosen to host the Canterbury “Give It A Try” for 2022. The courses will be held on Saturday mornings from 11am to 12pm over 8 weeks starting on the 7th of May.

The cost for the 8 weeks is €10 and can be paid on arrival to the club on week one. To Register and for further information plese click on the link below:

Give It A Try – Midleton


Easter Break 

As always, we would like to thank staff for their dedicated work throughout this term and we are grateful to parents for their ongoing support of the school. We look forward to welcoming all our students back on Monday 25 April. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Easter break.

GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)