Dear Parents,

Leaving Certificate Results 2021

We would like to congratulate our 2021 Leaving Certificate students on the excellent results they received last Friday. We wish to acknowledge their application and work ethic during a very challenging 2 year senior cycle programme. Once again we would like to thank our parents, teachers and all who have supported our students during their senior cycle in school.




Parents will be aware that over the last number of years GCC has introduced a system of in-school student profiling using standardized assessments tools. The 2021 Leaving Certs are the first group for which we have a complete data profile starting with their STen scores from primary school, 1st Year CAT Assessments, in school assessments etc. right through to the Leaving Cert results in June.

A detailed analysis of our results indicates this is the best overall set of results the school has produced. Critically, based on our student tracking & monitoring data, the vast majority of our students in 6th Year performed above expectation relative to cognitive ability. Some notable results at the upper range include 25% of students achieving in excess of 500 points, with 10% of the entire year group in excess of 550 points, giving these students access to the vast majority of top-end academic courses at 3rd level.

We wish to especially acknowledge the tremendous results of Louise Hennessy (625 points), Eva Coy and Leah Savage (613 Points) and Jack McGrath (601 points).

Furthermore our students achieved significantly improved grades at the mid range level of 400-500 points. We are also exceptionally proud of our Leaving Certificate Applied students, where more than half the group received the highest mark of Distinction awarded to the LCA programme.

Even allowing for some points inflation this year, this is an outstanding set of results and is testament to the work of our staff, parents and students in ensuring positive learning outcomes for students. The fact that so many students are performing above ability is evidence that GCC is impacting positively on the learning experiences and outcomes of students at all levels

We wish all of our graduates of Leaving Certificate 2021 the very best in their chosen career pathways.

School Pitch Development

Please see below drone pictures of our school pitch development taken last night Thursday 9 September. We anticipate having final sign off on the development and handover to the school next week.

The Presidents Award – Gaisce. 

Congratulations to over 40 of our Leaving Cert students who received their Bronze Award.

Procedures for Signing out and Collection of pupils

Parents are asked to note:

  • If a student has a note to sign out, they need to show the note to the class teacher at morning registration and then come up to the office in the school foyer to sign out at the stated time. Parents should meet their child in the foyer to sign them out.
  • Students will not be called on the intercom and students are not allowed to sign out unless their parent/guardian is there to meet them. Office staff are not permitted to send students out to the car park to meet parents.
  • A number of parents are arriving to the office with no notice looking to collect students. Parents are reminded that students should have a note to show their class teacher at registration if they are to leave school early. Students are not allowed to phone or text home themselves.
  • If a student is feeling sick, they need to inform the teacher and ask to come to the office for a member of the office staff to phone home – students are not allowed to phone or text home themselves.

Mobile Phones

A reminder that students’ mobile phones must be turned off and out of sight. A student can only use a phone in class with the permission of a teacher to assist the student in the learning process.

Track suits

A reminder to parents and students that students are allowed to wear the school track suit on the day they have PE. Please note leggings and non-school track suit ends are not allowed. If parents need assistance with uniform please contact Mr. McCarthy in confidence and the school will support you as appropriate.

Covid Protocols

A reminder to parents to keep students at home if they are symptomatic. Symptoms of Covid-19 can include some or all of the following –  fever (temperature of 38◦C or higher), cough, shortness of breath, any loss or change to the senses of smell or taste, headache, sore throat, or a runny nose. Students should not come to school, must self-isolate and contact their GP for advice.

We want to reinforce that all public health guidelines still need to be followed to protect the health of pupils and staff, these include:

  • Wearing face coverings –
  • Cleaning hands regularly
  • Maintaining physical distance from others
  • Wiping down their own desk when class is finished
  • Being mindful of the ventilation of classrooms by opening windows and doors as appropriate

We hope you have a nice weekend.

CCTV Data Protection Impact Assessment

A reminder to parents and students to use our dedicated email address to email any comments you might have regarding our CCTV upgrade (see website post of 8 September). The closing date for submissions is next Tuesday 14 September at 1pm.

GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)