Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,

We hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing mid-term break and we look forward to the term ahead.

Information Note SD 0003/2022 Updated Covid-19 Guidance to Schools

Please click on the link below to view the updated Covid-19 guidance to schools which comes into effect on Monday 28 February. Please take the time to read the document in full but some of the key points include:

  • It is no longer a requirement for staff or students to wear a face covering/mask in school
  • Staff and students can continue to wear a face covering/mask if they wish to do so on a personal basis
  • The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms or if having a positive COVID-19 test remains – for students and staff alike (even if fully vaccinated/boosted)
  • Continued use of good infection prevention and control measures such as hand washing, respiratory hygiene, and ventilation is advised
  • Schools are no longer required to maintain arrangements for physical distancing
  • Use of changing rooms, PE halls and lockers, staff rooms etc. can resume where there has been limited access in this regard
  • There is no longer a requirement to restrict visitors to schools and schools should revert to the normal arrangements for visitors
  • Parent-Teacher meetings should resume

Information Note: Covid-19 Guidance 23 Feb 2022


Schedule of Examination dates 2022

Please click on the link below to view an important circular in relation to the schedule of dates for the 2022 Certificate examinations.

S09 22 Circular to accompany Schedule of Exam Dates EV_Final

Rescheduling of Pre-Examinations

Parents are reminded that Pre-Examinations in Art & Music (Senior Cycle) and Graphics (Junior Cycle) planned for Friday 18 February have been rescheduled to take place on Tuesday 1 March. Details regarding room arrangements will be shared with students on Monday.

Pre-Examinations French Orals

Parents are reminded that Pre-Leaving Cert French Orals are scheduled to begin on Monday. Participating students will have permission to leave class 15 minutes before their oral time.


2nd Year PPT Meeting Tuesday 1 March 2022

Parents are reminded that we will continue to use the additional reporting mechanism for the 2nd Year PPT meeting planned for Tuesday 1 March 2022. Given the proximity of the meeting to the mid-term break teachers will be allowed to input feedback up to and including Tuesday 8 March. Parents will then be able to access the feedback on VSware from Wednesday 9 March onwards. Given the updated Public Health guidance (outlined above) the 1st Year PPT meeting on Monday 14 March will see a return to face to face meetings.


Break Time Update for Students 

Parents and students are reminded that from Monday we will be returning to our previous system at break times for both Junior & Senior Cycle students, whereby classrooms will be closed and students will assemble in their designated area


Completion of Passport Forms 

The school office is receiving numerous requests from parents and/or students with regard to the completion, witnessing and signing of passport forms. When parents are looking for passport forms to be completed the regulations insist that both the parent(s) and student(s) must be physically present at the office before the form can be authenticated and signed. The school is contacted regularly by the passport office ensuring that correct procedures have been followed. Please note in order to streamline the process with regard to completion of passport forms the following procedures will come into operation next week:

  • Passport forms will only be completed between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Thursday mornings
  • Parents/students are asked to contact the office in advance to make arrangements
  • Both the parent(s) and student(s) must be physically present at the office
  • Please have the appropriate sections of the form completed


GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)