Dear Parents,

We would like to thank you all for your support and cooperation since our return to school in January. In very trying and challenging circumstances for staff, parents and students there have been high levels of engagement with our online learning platform, ensuring continuity of learning programmes for students. While online teaching and learning can never replace the face to face dynamic of the classroom we have made sure that students have experienced a consistent level of meaningful interaction with our teachers and SNA’s over the last 5 weeks. The gradual return of students to school will commence on Monday 22 February with the reopening of our ASD programme. As the public health situation improves we hope this will be the precursor for the phased return of the remainder of our student body. In advance of the new term we strongly encourage parents, staff and students to use this week of mid-term to relax, rest and recharge the batteries.

Transition Year Photography Challenge

Please view on our school website the submissions for our latest virtual TY activity which involved the students taking some time to appreciate their natural surroundings. Students were tasked with capturing an image of either a wild bird, a sunrise or a sunset. Submissions were of an incredibly high standard showcasing some highly skilled photographers. Well done to all who participated!

2nd Year Parent/Pupil/Teacher (PPT) Meeting

As per our agreed calendar the 2nd Year PPT meeting is due to take place immediately after mid-term on Tuesday 23 February 2021. The format will follow the same approach as the other PPT meetings this year. Parents are asked to note that the date for teachers to input their comments will be extended to Friday 26 February 2021. Parents will be able to access the feedback on VSware from Monday 1 March 2021.

GCC Virtual 5k Challenge

There is just under a week to go to GCC’s Virtual 5KM Challenge! Below is the link to the google form for you to input your results on the day you do your race. The form will go live from 18th to 22nd of February. The form will also be available on every student’s PE google classroom. Happy running – and don’t forget to take your selfie on the day!

Enjoy the mid-term.

GCC Senior Management