Dear Parents,
Remote Learning Survey
We have now completed almost 2 weeks of remote learning and the comments from the staff, students and parents we have spoken to have been predominantly positive. Teachers report greater confidence and comfort in establishing online classes and both parents and students are reporting regular and varied interaction with teachers and SNA’s. On Tuesday, for example, there were over 260 ‘live’ classes with students throughout the day which is 75% of all possible classes. There are, as we would expect, a small number students who are experiencing difficulties in managing this type of learning environment and we will continue to support them and their families as best we can within the current constraints we are operating through.
We outlined in our Parents Update last Friday 15 January 2021 that we intended to survey parents, students, teachers and SNA’s in order to develop feedback from across the whole school community on our remote learning process to date. Please click on the link below to complete the short parents survey.  Please note that staff and students have also been invited to complete a survey.  
Secure Online Interaction
A reminder to parents to please review and discuss your son/daughters online class activity regularly. Our online Google Classroom is a very useful means for us to support your child’s continuing engagement in learning, however, access to and use of this platform is a privilege and should be treated with the utmost respect. The terms of use are underpinned by our Internet Acceptable Use Policy and by our Code of Behaviour. Any inappropriate commentary or online activity will result in your son/daughters account being suspended and they will be denied access. S/he may also be held solely responsible for the content posted and subject to any actions, as outlined in our policies. A reminder again that:
  • Students should have their cameras on and their microphone muted when participating in online lessons unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
  • Refusal to follow the teacher’s instructions in this regard will result in the students being removed from the class.
  • When accessing our online learning platform students must use accounts.
  • Under no circumstances will students be allowed to enter an online class using a personal account.
We thank you for your cooperation with these essential rules which help protect and ensure the safety of all.
4th Year Pupil/Parent/Teacher (PPT) Meeting
Our 4th Year PPT meeting was due to take place yesterday Thursday 21 January 2021. Given the fact that Christmas Assessment reports were made available to parents on Friday 8 January and we are in the initial phase of our return to online learning, we are proposing that the deadline for feedback to parents would be extended to Monday 1 February 2021. The process of additional reporting would be the same as for our 3rd Year and 6th Year PPT meetings before Christmas. Teachers would be asked to comment under 3 headings as follows:
1. Engagement in Learning
2. Academic Performance  
3. Areas for Improvement  
4th Year Parents will be notified by text when feedback from teachers can be accessed on VSware. 
GCC Virtual 5k Challenge
On our school website last Thursday (week) 14 January 2021 we provided you with information on the GCC Virtual 5K challenge. This is being organised by the teachers in our PE Department. Please click on the link to access information on the 4 week training programme for beginners complete with training tips. Now, more than ever it is so important to keep active and fit for both our physical and mental health so we encourage all in our school community to get involved.
GCC Senior Management