Dear Parents/Guardians,

Funeral Mass of GCC Student Dylan Kelleher

At the end of a very difficult week for all in our school community, we would like to thank everyone for the messages of support and offers of help that we have received since we learned the news of Dylan’s tragic death. It is important we all continue to support each other through this very challenging period.

The funeral mass for Dylan will take place tomorrow Saturday at 10.30am. In keeping with current Government Guidelines on public gatherings the funeral will take place privately. Dylan’s Funeral Mass will be live streamed at the following link:

In accordance with the family’s wishes the school will be represented at the funeral mass tomorrow. We ask all our students to please respect the Government Guidelines and follow the funeral ceremony online.

In accordance with the advice of the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) we remind parents that it is important to help your child by taking time to listen and by encouraging him/her to express feelings.  NEPS advise that all children are different and will express their feelings in different ways, therefore, it is not uncommon for children to have difficulty concentrating or be fearful, anxious, or irritable.  They may become withdrawn, cry, complain of physical aches and pains, have difficulty sleeping or have nightmares.  Some may not want to eat.  These are generally short term reactions.  Over the course of the coming days and weeks please keep an eye on your child and allow him/her to express their feelings without criticism. Young people frequently turn to social media to see what others are saying, or to find out more.  At these times, it is important to monitor their online activity and engage with them about what they read.  We urge you to emphasise and reinforce the need to be extremely sensitive and careful about what they post.

Junior Cycle Assessment Calendar

Please click on the following link to view our Assessment Calendar for 3rd Year students. Teachers will brief students on the schedule when they return on 12 April.

Junior Certificate Assessment Calendar 2021   

School Canteen

With the planned return to school of all students after Easter we will be recommencing our online ordering system with  our school canteen provider O Crualaoi’s. In this initial phase after the Easter holidays ‘on the day’ purchases will not be possible. We will review this after 2 weeks.

Further adjustments to the written examinations, Leaving Certificate, 2021 document

Please click on the link to view the document ‘Further adjustments to the written examinations, Leaving Certificate, 2021’. This is also published on the State Examinations Commission website at and on  We have been asked by the SEC to bring this information to the attention of students and parents.

Further Adjustments – Leaving Cert 2021

Riverstown to Hazelwood Road Cycle Route Notice Under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 

The proposed Riverstown to Hazelwood Road cycle route was discussed at our Board of Management meeting on Monday 15 March. The school plans to make a submission to the Section 38 process. In order to give all our to stakeholders the opportunity to feedback and input to our submission, we are inviting comments through our dedicated email. For information on the proposal please click on the following link:

TY Virtual Activities

TY students have been busy with their virtual activities for the last few weeks, they showed off their creativity in perspective photography, nail art and in upcycling household waste to create wild bird feeders. Well done to all who participated.


We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Leaving Cert students well in their upcoming Oral interviews (in Irish and French), Music Practical and LCA task examinations. We look forward to welcoming all our students back to school on Monday 12 April. We hope you have a nice Easter break.

GCC Senior Management