Latest News
HSE – Nasal Flu Vaccine
Dear GCC Parents & Guardians, Glanmire Community College have arranged for the Health Service Executive (HSE) to attend the school on Wednesday 13 December 2023 to administer the free Nasal Flu...
GCC Parents Update Friday 1 December 2023
Dear GCC Parents, Guardians & Students, GCC VSware Attendance App On Monday 27 November the school launched the GCC VSware attendance app which allows parents to submit absence notifications...
GCC 5th Year PPT Meeting Wednesday 6 December 2023
Dear GCC Parents/Guardians & Students, 5th Year Pupil/Parent/Teacher (PPT) Meeting Dear Parents, Our 5th Year PPT meeting takes place on Wednesday 6 December from 4.15pm to 6.45pm. 5th years...
GCC Parents Update Friday 24 November 2023
Dear GCC Parents, Guardians & Students, GCC Christmas Exams 2023 Timetable Parents click on the links below to view the timetable for the 2023 Christmas Exams: GCC 1st Year Christmas Exams 2023...
GCC Subject Options Seminar for Incoming 1st Year Students (Sept 2024)
Dear Parents, GCC Subject Choice Seminar for Incoming 1st Year Students (Sept 2024) Thank you for attending our Subject Options seminar for incoming 1st Years (September 2024) last night. Please...
GCC 5th Year Pupil Parent Teacher (PPT) Meeting
Dear GCC Parents/Guardians & Students, Please click on the following link to view information for parents regarding the upcoming 5th Year PPT meeting on Wednesday 6 December 2023: Update on GCC...
“Glanmire Community College strives to be a happy, safe, caring and inclusive Christian community that promotes quality teaching and learning in an environment of mutual respect.”
Contact Us
Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965
Phone: 021 4822377 Email:
School Roll Number: 76064F
Registered Charity No.20083274
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