Dear Parents,

October Assessments 

Parents and students are asked to note that the deadline for inputting of October Assessment Results has been extended on VSWare. Teachers have been asked to ensure that results and comments are inputted by next Friday 28 October when we plan to publish them to parents.

GCC Carbon Club

GCC has entered the inaugural Carbon Club Schools Competition. Ten Post Primary ETB Schools in Cork get energy monitoring equipment installed in their schools and compete against each other to see who can save the most kilowatts of energy & reduce their carbon emissions. (Website: )

Our energy monitoring equipment has been installed and there will be a visual display dashboard displayed in the B block social area to show all staff and students live energy consumption in the school along with CO2 emissions.

As a first step to reducing our electricity usage, we have asked staff and students to turn off overhead projectors/screens when not in use, to turn off lights when no students are in classrooms and to ensure PC’s are turned off after the last class of the day. We look forward to updating you further throughout the year on our progress as a school.

UCC’s offers online DARE Clinics on applying for the Disability Route to Education

Parents and students are asked to note that The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) scheme is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education. A student applying to the DARE scheme needs to provide evidence of:

  • their disability/learning difficulty/significant ongoing illness and
  • how their condition has impacted negatively on their education.

Please email any DARE queries to

UCC’s Disability Support Service has organised a live online advice clinic to disseminate information on the DARE application process. Parents/prospective students/guidance counsellors and other interested parties will be afforded an opportunity to get advice on applying for the DARE scheme. For the first 30 mins approximately, there will be a presentation giving an overview of the DARE scheme with an opportunity for questions and answers afterwards.

UCC DARE Online DARE Clinics will be held on the following dates: Please note It is essential to book.

October 25 Tuesday 5 to 7pm Please click here to book a place
November 17 Thursday 3 to 5pm Please click here to book a place
December 6 Tuesday 5 to 7pm Please click here to book a place
January 24 Tuesday 3 to 5pm Please click here to book a place

My Brain & Me – The Science of Learning

Last week we directed parents and students to Retrieval Practice: A guide for parents, carers & families. This week as part of our update we are providing details of a book by Patrice Bain called ‘A parents guide to powerful teaching’. Please click on the following link for further information.

A Powerful Teaching�: � a Guide for Parents� by Patrice Bain | Goodreads

Fire Drill 

Parents are asked to note that the school held a fire drill last Tuesday 18 October. We would like to thank all our staff and students for their cooperation with the drill which ran very successfully. As part of our standard review process, we have asked for feedback to be forwarded to our Health & Safety Coordinator Ms Coughlan.

Calendar Events 

Date Event Time
Mon 31 Oct – Fri 4 Nov Mid Term Break
Monday 7 November Board of Management Meeting 7pm
Tuesday 8 November 3rd Year Pupil/Parent/Teacher Meeting 4pm – 6.45pm
Friday 11 November Mass of Remembrance 1pm
Wednesday 16 November Information Seminar on LCA & TY 7.30pm

Admissions – First Year September 2023

A reminder that the closing date for receipt of applications for First Year September 2023 is tonight Friday 21 October. All applications after this date are treated as late applications. Applications can only be made via the link on the school website.

A link to the application is available here on the school website (link below).

Please click the following link to access the Admissions section on the website for more detailed information.

Admissions – Glanmire Community College (

School Policies 

A reminder to parent that the following 3 school policies are to be reviewed and updated (if required) in advance of our Board of Management meeting on Monday 7 November 2022.

  • GCC Code of Behaviour
  • GCC Anti-Bullying Policy
  • GCC Guidance Policy

Please see below links to the policies.

GCC Code of Behaviour Review October 2022

Review of Anti-Bullying-Policy Review October 2022

Career Guidance Policy Review October 2022

Please provide feedback via our dedicated email before next Friday 28 October 2022.

We hope you have a nice weekend.

GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)