Dear Parents,

We have been delighted to welcome back our students yesterday and today. Our 1st Years & 6th Years returned on Tuesday morning with our 3rd Years and 5th Years returning today. Tomorrow our 2nd Years and 4th Years start back with a full resumption of classes for all students on Friday morning.  We would like to express our gratitude to the members of our GCC Parents Council for their extraordinary work over the last number of weeks in ensuring a successful school restart. We are very grateful for their ongoing support.

HSE Letter to Principals
Please click on the link below to view a HSE information letter to schools which we received yesterday. Please read the details in full but one key point to note is that if a member of staff or a student is deemed to be a close contact by the HSE they need to restrict their movements at home and will be offered testing. However, if they are fully vaccinated, they will be contacted by the HSE, their vaccination status will be determined and they may be informed that they no longer need to restrict their movements and will not be referred for testing. In this case, close contacts (staff or students) are able to attend school. Please note this is determined by the HSE and not the school. 

HSE letter to Principals on reopening measures 30 Aug 2021 Fina…

As outlined in our update of 23 August many of the protocols that were in place when school finished in May continue to be in operation at the beginning of the new school year. Please remind students of the importance of abiding by the national public health measures currently in place at all times e.g. social distancing, use of face masks and hand hygiene, minimising social contacts.Once again parents are asked to ensure that students do not attend school if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 infection. We had outstanding cooperation from all in our school community last year with regard to the above measures and we ask that we continue to observe all the relevant protocols until restrictions are lifted later in the school year.

Google Apps

Please click on the link to view a list of apps that students should have on their devices in order to engage fully with Google Classroom:

Google Apps Update

School Car Park

As we start the school year we are once again asking parents not to drive into the school grounds between 8.00am and 9.15am each morning and from 3.15pm to 4.15pm Monday to Thursday, and 12.30pm to 1.30pm on Friday. Please do not use wheelchair spaces, set down areas or footpaths for parking and park in designated spaces only. Students who drive to school must leave their cars outside the school grounds. We would appreciate your full cooperation with this request.

School Canteen 

Last year our school canteen provider O Crualaoi’s provided students with the facility to order lunches online. Parents were able to log in to activate the smart-fob and then place the lunch order for their child.  Parents are asked to note the following important information:

• This is an optional system. There is no obligation to use this system and students are free to continue to bring their own lunch to school.
• The school is not collecting any data. Therefore you are advised to review the data settings when setting up your account.
• There is a €5 cost to replacing the fob so students are advised to mind it carefully.

Incoming 1st Year students will be provided with a smart fob in the coming days.* We will inform students of the designated collection points. It will take a couple of days to get the system up and running again and we will text parents when the system is ‘live’. We thank you for your patience in bearing with us as we re-introduce this service.

For any food related enquiries please email stating the name of the school and the year the student is in. For other issues such as log in problems please email

*When logging onto the system a reminder to ensure that you have ticked GCC as your school.

GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)