What is percent for art?
- The principal aim of the Per Cent for Art scheme is to provide funding (grant) for public art features in state funded major construction projects. It is a grant specifically to fund all the costs of the art project, including commissioning fees and all sundry expenses as well as the commission amount itself. To ensure the project runs smoothly a committee is formed. The Arts Committee should provide briefing documentation for the following:
- Background/history/purpose of the building
- A description of the architecture or the refurbishment works and a detailed description of the proposed scheme
- Scaled drawings of the space
- The commissioning body’s vision for the project and an indication of the range of creative possibilities. The educational value of the proposed art project should also be taken into account.
- Total value of the commission
- A timetable setting out building programme and date commission is to be completed.
Aims of the initiative?
The Aim of the Percent for Art scheme in Glanmire Community College is to design, plan and create an environmentally conscious sculpture for our school ground. It is hoped that the sculpture will become the welcoming centrepiece for our staff, students, stakeholders and wider school community
Who is involved?
The Art Department in Glanmire Community College along with a team of students are pioneering this initiative.
Examples of work…
Examples of work…
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Examples of work…
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Contact Us
Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965
Phone: 021 4822377 Email: glanmirecc@corketb.ie
School Roll Number: 76064F
Registered Charity No.20083274
Useful Links:
CAO | JCT | NCCA | Careers Portal | Curriculum Online | NEPS | Department of Education | GDPR