The Runner Sculpture Unveiled
Friday morning, 13th October, the percent for art sculpture was unveiled. In conjunction with the launch of the strategic plan, guests were treated with beautiful weather,...
GCC Strategic Plan Official Opening
Our 3 Year Strategic plan was officially launched in Glanmire Community College last Friday morning which will commence immediately for the school over the next 3 years to 2022....
GDPR Update for Parents & Students over 18
Dear Students & Parents, In the past the school communicated with parents/guardians in relation to all of its students, regardless of their age. As you are aware, last year...
7 Sets of Twins on the Double
Glanmire Community College will never see anything like this in 10,000 years. Tuesday, 27th August: Going back to school is a one in ten thousand year event for Glanmire...
Update for 1st Year Students and Parents
Dear Parents and Students,We look forward to welcoming all out First Year students to Glanmire Community College next Tuesday 27 August from 8.50am to 12.30pm. First...
Important Parent Information for the 2019/2020 School Year
Dear Parents,Please click on the link below to access important information on the following areas for the 2019/2020 school year.Student CommitmentReturn dates for...
Stationery Lists for the 2019/2020 School Year
Dear Parents,Please click on the links below to access information on stationery requirements for Year Groups from 1st Year to 6th Year for the 2019/2020 school...
GCC Calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year
Please click on the link below to access the school calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year: Glanmire Community College Calendar 2019-2020 Contact Us Glanmire...
Accessing Term Reports on VSware
Accessing Term Reports on VSWare: A Brief Guide for Parents: Our school management information system ‘VSWare’ has a function that allows parents to access and view...
GCC Uniform Bank
Dear parents,Over the last number of years, in preparation for the return to school in late August, our GCC Parents Council has organised a school uniform bank during...
Second Level School Vaccination Programme 2019/20
Dear Parents,Many parents of new first year students only hear about the HSE second level school immunisation programme in early September. To provide parents with...
Singapore Delegation of School Leaders Visits GCC
On Thursday 30 May 2019 a delegation of school leaders from the Ministry of Education in Singapore visited GCC as part of 2 week programme in Ireland linked to the...
Leaving & Junior Certificate Exam Centres
Dear students and parents,Please click on the link below to see information on Leaving & Junior Certificate Exam Centres. You are asked to note that all small...
GCC Big Brother Big Sister
Big brother big sister is a Foroige led scheme that has run in our school for the past number of years. Each year a Transition Year class is paired with a First Year...
Review of the Week Ending Friday 24 May 2019
Please click on the link below to read a review of the events which occurred in GCC during the last 2 weeks. Included are reports and pictures from the following...
Diograis 2019 Stephanie Rainey
Our annual Díograis awards were held in the college on Thursday 16 May 2019. The theme of the night was Féiniúlchas which translates to 'Celebrate your...
Congratulations to Past Pupil Amy Dolan
Congratulations to GCC past pupil Amy Dolan (pictured right) who has been selected to take part in a prestigious executive mentorship programme in the United States....
1st Year Vaccinations (Boys Only)
Dear Parents & Guardians,Please note Wednesday 22 May 2019 has been allocated for the HSE Vaccination Team to visit GCC to complete the National Vaccination...
Review of the Week Ending Friday March 15th 2019
Please click on the link below to read a review of the events which occurred in GCC during the past 2 weeks. Included are reports and pictures from the following...
Meitheal Team Study Support Seminar for First Year Students
As part of the Meitheal Team’s activity for March the students decided to take a more studious and academic approach, using their own experience of studying for...
Contact Us
Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965
Phone: 021 4822377 Email:
School Roll Number: 76064F
Registered Charity No.20083274
Useful Links:
CAO | JCT | NCCA | Careers Portal | Curriculum Online | NEPS | Department of Education | GDPR