GCC students have created their own Model United Nations club which is becoming a hugely important and popular activity among students around the world. It is a popular activity for those interested in learning more about how the UN operates. Hundreds of thousands of students worldwide take part every year at all educational levels. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts – including at the UN itself – participated in Model UN as student.
In this events are handled via actions written into specified locations or typed up onto a online location on discord. These actions which are made by everyone as representative for their chosen nation change the flow of History allowing events in history to occur differently,(highlighted by the ever changing map) such as a German victory in the World war or simpler events such as the Suez crisis and inventions.

If you are interested in debating the topics of the 20th century and learning of the era, I would recommend joining it which is on every Tuesday in B39 senior cycle second lunch.
The United Nations Model UN Programme aims to build and maintain strong links between the UN and Model UN participants across the globe. It does that through guides and workshops, which teach students how to make their simulations more accurate; by visiting Model UN conferences and sharing first-hand knowledge of what the actual UN is like; and through encouraging Model UN clubs to take real action to support UN values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Article: Dylan McEvoy, 5th Year.
GCC students collaborate with 40 other student representatives based in cork and communicate with members all over the world.
The GCC Model United Nations Team
Dylan McEvoy (Leader) 5th Year