Dear Parents,
On Thursday 19 November 2020 we provided an online presentation about the Transition Year (TY) programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme to our 3rd year students. The purpose of these presentations was to highlight the possible senior cycle pathways that are open to 3rd year students, once they’ve completed their Junior Certificate (FETAC Level 3).
During normal times, we would have also held an information evening for parents about the available programmes. Unfortunately this was not possible due to Covid-19 restrictions. Therefore please find a copy of the presentations by clicking on the following links below.
GCC_Leaving Cert Applied Prog_2021
We ask that you take the time to sit with your son/daughter to go through these presentations together. Your child is asked to make an informed decision about their preference for senior cycle. There are three possible options:
1. Progress to 4th Year Transition Year – approximately 85-90% of our students take this option.
2. Progress directly to 5th year Leaving Certificate Established (the Traditional Leaving Certificate – FETAC Level 5)
3. Progress directly to the Leaving Certificate Applied (FETAC Level 4)
Key dates relevant to the programmes are listed on the final slide of the Transition Year Presentation. Your daughter/son should have received a copy of the application forms. If your child has not received the relevant application form, s/he may collect a copy from the Transition Year office. The deadline for completed application forms is Friday 11 December. Forms are to be handed into the main office.
The numbers of students progressing from 3rd Year to senior cycle is the largest ever in the history of the school. As a school we will need to make decisions about how we can facilitate student choice, optimise the deployment of staff and curriculum organisation. We are requesting that students make a final and firm commitment to the programme of their choice. Any subsequent requests to change programmes may not be accommodated as such changes may have considerable impact on the organisation structures put in place.
GCC Senior Management