Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
Seminar on Subject Choice in 5th Year for Parents of TY & 3rd Year Students
As per our agreed calendar, GCC will host a 5th Year Subject Choice seminar for parents of TY & 3rd Year students on Thursday 13 January December at 7.30pm.
This will be a remote information session and an access link will be texted to parents on Thursday afternoon.
This session will help prepare parents and students prepare for 5th Year next year and will provide information about the various subjects we offer at Senior Cycle.
TY Trip to Delphi
Parents are asked to note that the school is planning for the TY trip to Delphi go ahead as scheduled from Sunday 27 February to Wednesday 2 March. This is, as always, subject to the relevant public health advice at the time. Parents are reminded that:
- The 2nd installment of €230 is due this week beginning Monday 10 January
- Payments are made via the Way2Pay system
- Payments are non-refundable (please click on the link below for further information)
- Only students who have paid their transition year fees in full are eligible to travel on this tour
- Students participating in the tour do so subject to acceptable school conduct
- Students will also be required to sign a code of conduct specific to the tour before they travel
- A parent/guardian will collect a student from Delphi should they become unwell or present with symptoms while on the tour.
4th Year Pupil Parent Teacher (PPT) Meeting
Parents are asked to note that our 4th Year PPT planned for Thursday 20 January will not be held face to face. As with all our PPT meetings this year to date, feedback will be provided to parents via the mechanism of additional reporting. A reminder that the additional reporting process involves teachers commenting under the following 3 headings:
1. Engagement in Learning: Teachers may wish to comment on students development of academic skills that support learning*: for example: Well Organised; Pays attention well; Persistence in Tasks; Adaptability; Cooperation; Eagerness for Learning (engaging in questions, discussion, seeking clarification); Independent Learner. (*Behaviours that predict success in education:
2. Academic Performance: Achievement in class assessments and the quality of assignments/projects submitted – Teachers may wish to comment on the suitability of the subject level currently being studied and grades achieved relative to overall ability/potential.
3. Areas for Improvement: Teachers may wish to comment on 2-3 specific areas that would help the student to improve their overall engagement and/or performance
We will open VSware next Friday 14 January for our staff and we are asking that all feedback would be inputted by teachers before close of business Friday week 21 January. Parents will be able to access the additional reporting feedback on VSware on Monday 24 January.
School Musical
Following discussions today with our GCC School Musical organizing team, school senior management is awaiting further information before a final decision is taken on a possible format of our musical for this year. Once again the school will take account of the relevant public health advice. We will update parents and students before the end of next week.
GCC Senior Management