Support Structures
1. The role of year head:
At G.C.C., the year head is responsible for every aspect of the year group which contributes to the learning environment of the school. The year head leads the academic, pastoral and administrative domains and liaises and consults with students, teachers, class teachers , parents and management. It is the year head’s role to establish and maintain a positive and vibrant spirit within the group and to monitor and review the progress of the year group.
There are numerous supports in place for students including class teachers, subject teachers, the pastoral care and guidance team, members of the senior management team who keep an open door policy, the student meitheal team and the student council. The year head is always available to discuss any issue that a student may have and to resolve these issues in a satisfactory and timely manner.
2. The role of class teacher:
At G.C.C, the class teacher is responsible for the pastoral care of each member of the class, to ensure each student feels cared for, motivates students to help build a sense of pride, monitor progress, attendance and behaviour, reward excellence and communicate with parents. Working as a support for the class teacher is the class captain who assists class teacher when needed.
3. The role of college chaplain
- Provides students with:
- Spiritual direction
- Pastoral counselling
- Support in crises
- Trauma management
- Bereavement support
- Liturgical celebrations
- Prayer experiences
4. The role of college counsellors
- Supports trouble members of the college in their times of need
- Listen carefully and supportively
- Offers advice on many areas of/issues
- Arrange meetings with counsellors following an appointment procedure
- Liaise with teachers who may feel that a particular student needs or would benefit from counselling
- Link with local support services in the community
Contact Us
Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965
Phone: 021 4822377 Email:
School Roll Number: 76064F
Registered Charity No.20083274
Useful Links:
CAO | JCT | NCCA | Careers Portal | Curriculum Online | NEPS | Department of Education | GDPR